Sunday, November 16, 2014

TripREvisor - City of York

I started blogging for 2 reasons,
keep in touch with friends and family,
and keep a personal journal of our travel.
I consider it a successful part of our years
in London and rewarding!

There were a few months when I took a hiatus from blogging, it was a busy time in our life,
throw in a move from London back to Boston
and Retirement.
We still managed to do some traveling
last spring to some
great places.....
So I will occasionally post a
(And before I forget all the details)
The city of York was one of those
fun weekend trips!

York is less than a 2 hour train ride from London....perfect for a weekend trip!
We stayed at the Dean Court Hotel (a Best Western) - the perfect location within walking distance of the train station and centrally located within this ancient walled city.

The Hotel sits in the shadow of the prominent York Minster ..... the "largest Gothic cathedral in North Europe".  We were lucky enough to be on the last tour of the Cathedral when Evensong was announced. We stayed and I have to tell you I still get chills when I think of the choir of children and the sound of their voices enveloping the cathedral.  I borrowed these pictures from the brochure!

One of the things we still talk about were the meals we had in York.  I have never been to a city with more Gluten Free options .... never!
The breakfast at our hotel was outstanding 
and my GF Ploughman's platter at "the oldest pub in England" 
(they all say that)
~The Black Swan~
was a feast!!!

Just 30 minutes out of town (we rented a car) is 
Castle Howard,
a magnificent 18th Century House -
still a family home and National treasure. 

Notice the van?
They were setting up for a wedding the day we were there,
can you imagine? 

The town itself is picturesque and historical,
definitely easy to walk around
and take in the sites. 
But don't go to York without planning a few hours
at the National Railway Museum. 
It surprised us all !!! 

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are back to sharing your adventures, and your great photos!
