Thursday, September 19, 2013

I say good bye again....

But not without a great party ....
to honor Robin McDonald and her 7 years in London,
lunch and a little Prosecco at The Antelope!  

You know how much I HATE to say good bye! 
I truly think my sister and I have some kind of genetic flaw that makes our 
tear ducts leak as soon as we hear the words, 
"Good bye" 
AND weddings, or funerals, or patriotic songs, or Folger's coffee and Budweiser commercials....
I digress.....

Mary gave the most heartfelt, eloquent 
farewell speech!
Everyone signed an album full of photos of Robin's AWC adventures over the past 7 years.

We laughed and talked and shared a lovely meal.

Robin said good bye and thank you with grace...
a few tears in her eyes and a knot in her throat! 
Seven years of friendships and a lifestyle only expats can appreciate! 

Again I say, I will miss you dear friend!
You are NOT the last to leave!  


  1. I am crying ... just reading this post.
    You have made some fabulous friends. There is something about being alone in another country, together!
