Thursday, January 10, 2013

What's in your suitcase?

I really wish I had thought of this 6 years ago when we first started packing our suitcases to return to London after the holidays.  I can't even remember what we used to pack but I know it has changed over the years.  Believe me, there have been plenty of conversations at The Antelope about "What's in your suitcase?".  I mean beyond the usual new clothes and favorite hair brush you haul back and forth, Ladies I know, bring back everything from favorite foods (I seem to remember someone bringing back a frozen rib roast) to specialized cleaning products and even, the necessary, Trader Joe's mini peanut butter cups.

I thought it might be fun to see (and record) what we packed as essential items.........
It's really NOT that exciting!

Rick has to have several boxes of his favorite "Clinical" deodorant - he must eat the stuff because he always runs out - but he smells good!  And then he really enjoys his Instant Buttered Grits on Saturday mornings before he goes to the's a southern thing!  I have to have my Crest Whitening  toothpaste and my Volumizing hair products although in this London humidity it does not really matter one bit. 
You see the chili mix, it's not that we can't make it here but the chili powder is somehow MUCH hotter than I like.  Of course we bring back our favorite medicines.  Day and Night Nurse are great and most over the counter headache meds here have codeine in them, but when you are sick you don't want a "hit or miss" drug! This might seem strange but I know lots of others who do this, Zip Lock Bags .... real heavy plastic, air tight, gallon bags.  They keep our ice cubes, (the ones that come out of Ice Cube Trays) from sticking or smelling.  
That's all, and it fit in my new Christmas gift Carry-On Tumi bag....
which I can never carry on because my Volunizing hair product and whitening toothpaste are much more than 3 oz.

But that's the way I roll!  


  1. We bring Benydryl, grits, and clothes from Target :) Oh, and OxyClean spot remover for the laundry & Ziplocks of course. How I wish I could bring over my favorite hamburgers, onion rings and DairyQueen!! :) Fun post!!

  2. I always bring Cadbury's chocolate (and a big suitcase) to the US with me so I'll have room on the way back for things like Q-tips, Crest toothpaste, Lubriderm lotion, multivitamins, Ziploc bags, cold brew ice tea bags, taco seasoning, Triscuits, and Trader Joe's pancake mix. And new clothes, of course!

  3. Now I know why I like Rick so much--he's a GRITS kinda guy. Love them--especially cheese grits!
