Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Let the bargaining begin!

Our guide, Abdul was fabulous! In fact several of our guides for the week were named Abdul which in Arabic means "the servant of"....easy for us to remember! He was soft spoken, extremely knowledgeable, and patient. He nonchalantly keep a watchful eye on us while we walked the narrow passageways and explored the souks or marketplace. Notice his bright yellow leather shoes...No, I did not bring any home for Rick (couldn't find them big enough!)
We stopped to visit the local baker, where everyone in the village brings their dough to be baked and a local chemist, who sold us all on the cosmetic miracle of Argan Oil, produced only in Morocco. Many bought spices and other luxurious oils like jasmine and rose water. Out of respect for my fellow travelers I will not post pictures of the neck massages but I do have some great shots!
The people of Morocco are reserved and for religious reasons do not want their pictures taken. Some would allow it and then want to be payed a few Durhams. At this point I put my camera away and just soaked up the sights, smells, and bargaining going on around me. You know these girls can shop! It was exciting and exhausting! Later we enjoyed a spectacular lunch. Hidden behind the walls on a busy street was Restaurant Dar Moha - an oasis! We started with salads served in small bowls, followed by tagines of couscous, vegetables and stewed meats.....
always followed by peppermint tea, poured from high above the glasses.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you picked up a pair of those shoes for ME in red! ~You know in the south you'd say that you could catch a roach in the corner with those!
    I can't wait to hear more about the magic beauty cream...
