Monday, January 16, 2012

Write yourself slimmer?

Put pen to paper...and write yourself slimmer! The secret to slimming could be as simple as picking up a pen according to an article in the Daily Mail. Researchers have found that women who write about what matters most to them each day lose significantly more weight than those who don't. When women in the study were weighed after four months the group who wrote had lost an average of 3.4lbs while the others had put on 2.7lbs. Experts believe that, just as we eat when we are depressed, making ourselves happier acts as an appetite suppressant. Well I say...WRITE ON! It's another good reason to continue blogging .....
and eating......sensibly!


  1. You had me ... until the picture of the burger.
    'I can't believe I ate the whole thing' ~ What was that a commercial for? I remember the line but not the commercial.
    Maybe I need to write it down.

  2. Sandi--was it an Alka Seltzer commercial? That's what I would need if I ate the burger that is pictured! Wish I could write the pounds away.....
