Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Chef Rich-ard and his Gumbo

Chef Boy-ar-dee move over...Rick is making Chicken-and-Sausage Gumbo for dinner tonight! Gumbo is one of the crowning glories of southern cuisine. This flavorful stew is named for the West African word for okra, "gombo". It can feature any number of ingredients, most commonly shrimp, crab, chicken, and sausage. All gumbos start with a roux, the browning of fat and flour, followed by what Louisianans call the "holy trinity" -- bell pepper, onion, and celery. After that the ingredients are left up to the discretion of the cook and what ingredients are on hand. Rick spent two summers working on tug boats out of Slidell, Louisiana and learned in the galley kitchens on board how to make a "real" roux. He always adds okra, tomatoes, bay leaves, and garlic...but an equal amount of chefs do not...right Sandi? Another possible thickening ingredient is file' you didn't know it was crushed sassafras leaves?
I'm under Doctor's orders not to get my hands wet so this was a real treat for me...I feel better already! Now, who gets to do the dishes?


  1. MMMMM~ I can smell it from here! I'll take mine without the okra~~ so that brings the question, What would okra-less gumbo be called?

    I can see you were busy with wikipedia while you were watching the work being done. What happened to that small kitchen fire I heard about??

  2. Holly - why not get hands wet? What happened? I hope not too serious. I have the same problem with one hand. (broken thumb and wound from car door damage) a bit inconvenient this time of year - I have to keep it in a splint for 4-6 weeks! Happy New Year xx

  3. Kelly T said....

    ok this is spooky - i was JUST online searching to find file powder. Is your gumbo with or without? I told Ken just last night...hmmmm I feel like making some gumbo this week....great minds!
