Friday, November 25, 2011

Bittersweet...a thanksgiving treat!

There is just something about a simple sprig of the bittersweet vine that says, "It's November in New England and give thanks!"..... before the mad rush of Black Friday and boxes of Christmas decorations get hauled out of the basement!
I just happened to find my own stash of the woody vine full of reddish berries and clusters of yellow buds and Mr Turner told me to "help myself". The biggest hazard with Bittersweet is that it usually wraps itself around other vines...other vines with sharp stickers...ouch!
I think it makes a beautiful, natural decoration around Thanksgiving....even if it does poke everyone in the eye when they come in through the front door.
The Christmas wreath and twinkle lights go up today..... and Auburn plays Alabama tomorrow.....Bittersweet!


  1. I've never lived anywhere bittersweet grows. It is so lovely!

  2. Hope you post some photos of your Christmas decorations!
