Saturday, July 10, 2010

On the Coast of Maine

Maybe I just like to say it..Kennebunkport, Kennebunkport....
Maybe it's the summer cottages, the lobsterboats, sailboats, and occasional whale .....
Maybe it's the lobster, a glass of wine, and a slice of blueberry pie while watching the sunset over the Atlantic Ocean.....
Maybe it's the friendly Maine-iacs who know the meaning of hospitality......

We just love Kennebunkport! This time we stayed at The Yachtman with a patio overlooking the Kennebunk River. Bikes were complimentary so we explored the back streets and rode out to see the Bush Estate but the fog was too thick.....that is it behind Rick! This year we treated ourselves to a funky wind thingy, Rick calls it "yard art"! We are going to plant it among the hostas close to the river to remind us of Maine.


  1. I visited there once, but I'd love to go back someday. IT must be fun to stay overnight there and have time to really explore. You're lucky you live so close.


  2. I have friends who live in Bath, they LOVE it there! Is that close?
