Saturday, June 26, 2010

Farewell my Friends

This week has been such a mixture of joy and sadness. When I moved here three years ago I really wondered how I was going to meet people, no children, no school activities, Rick traveling, a foreign country (but so was Boston when I moved there!)
My first outing to the AWC of London was a going away party for someone I didn't even know and I'll never forget, she talked about growing up in a military family and how you learn, through instinctive survival not to plant your roots too deep. You make friends quickly, hang your pictures on the wall, enjoy the time you have together, say goodbye, and move on to start the whole process again. That's the way I grew up! She said she tried that here knowing that London was a 3 year assignment and that she would be moving on soon but the women in this club made it impossible! I remember standing in the corner, sobbing (it didn't take much) and thinking, "Lord, just let me make one good friend here!" And that is where the story friend became many and now some are pulling up roots to move back to the States. But here is what I have learned .......

A farewell is necessary before we can meet again Ann, Anne, and Rita,
.......... And meeting again, after moments or years, is certain for those who are friends!
So Bon Voyage my friends and as the Colonel always said, "Tally -ho and keep your wings up!" (That's another story!)


  1. Now I'm crying!
    Well done Holly~ but what I really want is a photo of all the goodies they are carrying home.
    See you at the River House :-)

  2. Welcome back to the states!!!

  3. Oh - this makes me so sad! Wish I could have been there to say farewell. Looks like you didi a great job Holly

  4. What a lovely blog Holly - you are a good friend and just remember all those strangers out there are friends waiting to be made!

  5. I prefer the way the French say good bye--Au revoir, until I see you again. Saying goodbye to these three is painful, isn't it, but I'm hoping we'll see each other again someday soon.

