Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Dove posso comprare Farragamo's?

No translation needed...Outlet Mall is universal!
At 70 % off, I could not resist these Farragamo leather riding boots and a silk tie for Rick.
I'm still thinking about a brown leather bag (purse) I saw at Tod's and the print with purple awnings I didn't buy at
Piazzale Michelangelo overlooking Florence..... oh well trip!

Our lunch time radar took us to our favorite trattoria in Florence, Za-Za's for nourishment. They have really expanded in one year. Christy introduced us to this place several years ago and we always order the three soup platter. It just looks like baby food!

We were so disappointed when we walked into our special leather shop, Por Santa Maria, to find that Filippo was on holiday in Barbados but his "cousin" Gnardo was very attentive. No one has the character and charm of Filippo but he poured us each a glass of wine and "treated us like family"! As soon as he saw the pocket on my coat he called the tailor and 20 minutes later my coat was back - all fixed. In the meantime, Mary and Steve found the perfect leather coats to compliment London and California weather and our shopping day was almost over.......

We ended the day strolling by the gold shops on the Ponte Vecchio and taking in the sunset over the river. Arrivederci Florence!


  1. So much to say...
    First I noticed that there was more than one shoe box on the counter~ I can't quite make out my size... I will wait till my birthday. :-)
    How many times can you take back the same coat for a pocket fix? Talk about a lifetime guarantee. Mary's coat is perfect. I may have to save up and visit Phillipo this year.

  2. Perfect combo--great shopping, terrific food and good friends. Lucky you!

  3. I hope the second box is big enough for me! I love love love the coat you decided against! It is the perfect New England coat! Za Za's looks a little bigger than I remember! Wish I was there to spend the weekend with you!
