Wednesday, October 7, 2009

7 AM in Hyde Park

My goal is to get up early with Rick and meet "the walking group" at 7 AM in Hyde Park. It is also the time when the Household Cavalry Regiments head out for their morning strolls. It is a sight to behold and one I have grown to respect and expect as the sun breaks through the early morning mist.

Intertwined with joggers- their suits tucked into back packs, flashing bike riders- wearing skirts and heels, a few bench warmers - still carrying their half-empty bottle of vodka, and the exercise fanatics who subject themselves to military style training....we walk from Knightsbridge to Speaker's Corner, along the Serpentine where we always say good morning to our favorite new statue, Isis. I've also been keeping my eye on this artist - his painting is a scene of the early morning in Hyde Park...just before the street lights go off and the sun rises. I'm going to ask him about it next time!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an ambitious plan, but with a lot of rewards for the early wake-up call. I admire your energy! At least you'll see some interesting things along the way.....
