Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Every HOME needs a porch!

This may be a "Southern" thing but I always notice a house with a nice front porch.  It may have pots of summer flowers or ferns, a rocking chair, or a bench, but it always says, "Welcome, come right in!"  Our home started out with a "lean-to"  (Is that a camping term?) which always seemed to hoover above the front door. The brick steps and sidewalk had seen their share of frost and ice and were breaking away one brick at a time.  The windows are all odd shapes but add character except that tiny one, left of the front door.   

So, here are the after's....after a new roof, a new porch, a new dining room window, new landscaping, and a new paint job.  This has been such a rewarding project and I am just thrilled with the results.  I think we made improvements but still kept the "Nantucket Sail Loft" character of the house. The neighbors think so too!  What do you think? 


  1. Oh Holly--it looks great! I didn't know you were so "handy!"

  2. So much better!
    That porch says...'y'all come on in'

  3. I'm impressed Miss Holly! The new porch is a gentle but lovely change to the exterior and the bigger dining room window is perfect!
