Sunday, June 14, 2009

A day in the country

I caught the 10:00 AM train from Waterloo to Haslemere to meet Consuelo for a day outside the city....and I just have to share my adventure. Her home is so charmingly British countryside - it could be a movie set! ("The Holiday" with Cameron Diaz comes to mind!) The gardens and grounds were in bloom with the colors of spring. Inside the kitchen I could smell our lunch of sourdough bread and a delicious tomato tart warming in the Aga.

We cranked up the old Land Rover and drove down quaint narrow lanes to a park where we hiked to the top of a crest for the most incredible views of the lush valley below. We encountered a few other hikers with dogs and several cows grazing but it was so tranquil along the path, I truly forgot that I was only 40 minutes outside the bustling city of London. Our search for Elderflowers was successful - we picked handfuls for Consuelo's next batch of homemade Elderflower Cordial. I promise you, after a long hike it was as refreshing as a tall cold glass of sweet tea with lemon! I brought some back along with her brother's pear cider and a special salad dressing to share with Rick.

I had such a fabulous day in the country with Consuelo ...we shared stories about our kids and our own childhood and even though we have lead such different lives, in different parts of the world, we have faced the same joys and challenges of raising a family and finding our own paths. Thanks for the day, Consuelo! It was BRILLIANT!


  1. I love it! How special. I know you had a wonderful time... this was your kind of day.
    BTW~ did you get the recipe for that tomato tart? It looks delish.

  2. Isn't it great to get out of the city every now and then? Looks like it was a charming day!
