Saturday, March 28, 2009

Buon Giorno Verona!

A direct flight from London to Verona started our "Art History Girl's Trip" to Italy. It was a fun mix of EY wives, KCWC classmates, and Caroline, our incredible lecturer and guide. My plan from the beginning was just to take it all in and keep up with photos ( and a written itinerary) to remind me of the information-packed adventure. Our enthusiastic group of thirteen checked into our perfect, centrally located hotel- Hotel San Luca - just one block from the majestic Roman Amphitheater- the Arena, and the Piazza Bra.

A trip to Verona would not be complete without a visit to Casa Di Giulietta - the House of Juliet and a picture of Juliet's balcony!

We stopped for a late afternoon cappuccino at an outdoor cafe and a history lesson in the picturesque Piazza delle Erbe, the historical center and market place of Verona. If you look closely, sixteenth century frescoes can still be seen on the facade of buildings. At one end is the Lion of St. Mark ( a great landmark for future walks) and just under an archway marked with a whale bone is the Piazza Dei Signori. In the center of the square stands the monument to Dante, the great poet who lived here in the early thirteen hundreds.

The sun began to set as we crossed the Roman Ponte di Pietro and climbed above remains of the Roman Theater. From this vantage point we had a spectacular view of Verona and just a taste of the days ahead.

Our first day ended with a fabulous meal at Restoraunte Freppie. I passed on the local speciality patissada de caval (spicey horsemeat and red-wine casserole) but we all enjoyed a hearty round of antipasto misto and a variety of pasta dishes....and a few glasses of wine, of course. It was a perfect day in Italy!

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