Tuesday, July 1, 2008

On the North River

The tide was perfect and there was a little breeze to keep the "no-seeums" away. Doug and Christy decided to throw in a few lines and see if anything was biting....well, Doug fishes and Christy encourages him!

Tucker is always the first on the boat and leads us downriver, ever watchful for the occasional well-mannered Lab or Seagull which cause him to pace and bark and rock the boat. Captain Rick usually takes it in stride because nothing seems to upset him when he gets to enjoy a day on the water. Our little blue boat still does not have a name because we can't seem to agree on one. Rick suggested "Freeride", I like "Fish &Chips", Christy likes "Southern Comfort" and Haley thinks "3 Gulls & a Crab" best describes our family. Any suggestions?

At the end of the day I head back up the dock to start the grill for hamburgers. Although this is the biggest fish I have ever seen Doug catch off our dock, it's not a "keepah"!

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