Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Pasta, Pasta, Pasta!

This post is a tribute to PaPa Hall, who knows how much I love Italy but can't quite figure out what I eat when I am there. So here are some great shots of some of our favorite meals!

We usually started our day with a cappuccino, strong coffee with plenty of hot milk, and a sweet pastry or croissant. Lunch could be an antipasto of crostini, pasta, pizza, or a bowl of ribollito - literally meaning 're-boiled' vegetable soup thickened with bread and served the day after it's prepared. Usually before five o'clock wine and cheese we would sample a new flavor of gelato. Dinners were either prepared by our "Master chef" Palma Bella and her husband, Brad"ll do it!" or involved an adventure to a local restaurant with dishes we could not pronounce but eagerly tried and enjoyed.

Not a time to diet!

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