Thursday, November 8, 2007

Climb Every Mountain

Early morning fog at the Villa in Talla!

Guess what? The day after Sandi leaves the monsoon rains and wind hit! We had perfect weather the whole time she was here. Very good timing I'd say. I did make my way to the Royal Geographical Society for my first women's club meeting where I intended to be inspired by the guest speaker - the first British woman to climb Everest. A remarkable achievement of courage and determination....and I won't even ride my bike down a London street , or hop the train to Paris by myself! I wondered what drives a person, a woman, to know that those who have gone before her have died trying, to want to climb to the top of the world. She seemed so "normal", like someone you could easily get to know, casually talking about the potential of losing her eyesite to frostbite in seconds. When asked what "it" was, she simply said a "passion", that kind of passion that you can see in someones eyes when they talk about their dream. Now, I don't know if I have ever felt that kind of passion to accomplish anything grand in my life......maybe it is yet to come!

1 comment:

  1. I have packed away my wellies until the next trip. I bet there was a hard rain- not a drop the whole time I was there.
    I am not quite recovered from my jet lag... my blog will have to wait.
